The endings of names and places will change with the addition of a few letters. Russian and Ukrainian grammar is complicated.Russians and Ukrainians write names in this order: surname, first name and then patronymic name (name derived from father’s first name such as Ivanovich/Ivanovna).(Check out this information on how to use the app on iPhones and iPads and Androids.) It comes with an translator app so the pages will appear in English with one click. To move onto translating web pages from Russian or Ukrainian into English, download the Google Chrome web browser for computers. Make sure to get Ukrainian text from English text this way English-Russian-Ukrainian.Ukrainian will translate so much better when it is translated into Russian first and then into English.If Google Translate can’t translate names into Russian, use this website instead.( Here is a post that explains spelling Russian and Ukrainian first and last names.) Remember that endings of Russian and Ukrainian surnames are different for men and women.Google Translate made me look like an idiot when I used this word. Translating English to Russian or Ukrainian: The free program has its kinks but here is how to avoid those kinks to use Google Translate like an expert. It has taken years to perfect using Google Translate. Many of my success stories on this blog are the result of taking advantage of Google Translate. My research was stuck for years until I started using Google Translate. Google Translate can truly transform research of Russian and Ukrainian ancestors and relatives to the land of discovery. Staying stuck in Russian and Ukrainian genealogy is a temporary state if one change is made.